Kruger park pictures (2nd part)

Here are the rest of my pictures from Kruger Park, as promised:

Kudu staring at me

Leopard up in tree - Kruger Park

Male antelopes in Kruger Park

Male antelopes eating

Digged fence to Marloth Park
Digged fence to Marloth Park

Kudu in Marloth Park

Baboon walking on trail

Olifant luiperd sign, street names in Marloth Park
Street names in Marloth Park

Ostridge in Kruger Park

Plant twirling around tree - Marloth Park

Kigelia, or "Sausage tree" (Kruger Park)
Kigelia, or "Sausage tree"

Warthog staring from close distance

South African Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera plant

South African cotton plant

Spiders living together in community nest
The only spiders in the world living in a community

Storks and hippos

Stork walking searching for fish

Tall giraffe next to tree

Termite stack with butterflies
Termite stack with butterflies inside
Tree inside termite stack
Tree inside termite stack = fast food

Tree with animal track

Unknown bird in Kruger Park

Unknown flying insect - Kruger Park

Green grass because of water leak
Green grass because of water leak

Wildebeests & zebras on savanna

Zebras and wildebeests - Kruger Park

Zebras and wildebeests together on savanna

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