Windsurfing is getting bigger and bigger here in Dahab, with some specific coast spots designated for this sport. If you…

About a week ago I was up on top of Mount Sinai to look at the sunrise over Egypt’s mountains.…

After about 2 months here in Dahab I today got my Divemaster scuba diving license. This is a really fun…

If you are a regular scuba diver you probably want to invest in a scuba diving computer. The primary purpose…

Happiness is bicycling to work in swimming shorts

In the BBC documentary “A farm for the future” it is discussed about the oil shortage that will occur in…

About a week ago I started working as a trainee on Aqua Divers here in Dahab, on my way to…

Sunrise over Saudi Arabia seen from Dahab, Egypt this morning at 5 am.

Last weekend (in double meaning) on Gran Canaria I spent camping on a hidden nudist beach with a friend. Because…