Walking for sick children in Holland

Stefan Le Belle, walking for sick children in HollandYesterday I met a traveler that just arrived to Tarifa a few hours earlier. This 26 year old guy from Holland, Stefan Le Belle, told me that he is walking from the most southern point of Europe’s mainland, which is here in Tarifa, to the North-Cape in Norway. He is doing this both as an adventure and to help sick children in Holland. To be able to do this he has found sponsors that for example donates one euro per day he is walking, which should add up to around 300 euro total for the about 300 days he calculate the whole walk will take. On the way he has a GPS that tracks every step he makes and on top of this he will blog about his trip on his web site. He will also write down every small cost of the trip to make sure that most of the sponsored money actually goes to the children and not to his own expenses.

Because Stefan had no place to stay I let him stay at my place here in Tarifa, and this morning we walked out to the most southern point of Spain to start his journey. The weather was rainy and although it was to foggy to see the beautiful African coast, the two oceans meeting here created a very nice scenery.

For more information about Stefan or to donate money,
visit Stefan’s web site by clicking here

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